Originally, Feel Good Day was an event put on by a McGill University club.
The club was called Liberated Bodies, and their mission was to raise awareness about eating disorders, and promote healthy body image. Feel Good Day - one of the club's first major events - was simply about raising self-esteem.
Today, Feel Good Day may have grown, and the scope of its mission may have expanded, but it is still an organization firmly rooted in the goal to make people feel good about themselves and boost self-esteem.
Here is a link to a news article about Liberated Bodies and the original Feel Good Day.
Here is a link to a news-clip that featured the first ever Feel Good Day event. Enjoy!
(Links broken? Sorry! We are trying to fix that)
Feel Good Day

Feel Good Day is all about feeling good!
It’s about feeling good about yourself as an individual, and bringing communities closer together through shared happiness.
To bring Feel Good Day to your community, send us an e-mail at: feelgoodday@gmail.com
Have a GREAT day!