Ladies and Gentlemen, Madames et Monsieurs, Senoras y Senores, there's TWO new Feel Good Day clubs in town...
The first is Feel Good Day Dawson!
Started this year by a team of young do-good enthusiasts, the Feel Good Day club at Dawson College has gotten off to a roaring start. They've helped at events at the Shriners and Children's hospitals, have had internal Dawson events, have already secured a killer club space, and are speading the Feel-Good-Vibe all over campus.
You can get in touch with them through their Facebook Group, The Feel Good Club Dawson Chapter.
The second is Feel Good Day Concordia!
While still not officially a student club, this future student organization has the makings of greatness. With a small but strong and gifted core of new University students eager to pitch-in towards making the world a better place, Feel Good Day is sure to take hold at one of Montreal's most visible institutions. Step one, deal with the bureaucratic ins and outs. Step two, make people feel good. Ready......GO!
You can get in touch with them through their Facebook group, Feel Good Day Concordia.
So that's it for now. The student movement is growing, the Feel-Good-Vibes are spreading, and the world is slowly but surely becoming a happier place.
have a GREAT day!
- feel good
Feel Good Day

Feel Good Day is all about feeling good!
It’s about feeling good about yourself as an individual, and bringing communities closer together through shared happiness.
To bring Feel Good Day to your community, send us an e-mail at:
Have a GREAT day!