Feel Good Day

Feel Good Day

Feel Good Day is all about feeling good!

It’s about feeling good about yourself as an individual, and bringing communities closer together through shared happiness.

To bring Feel Good Day to your community, send us an e-mail at: feelgoodday@gmail.com

Have a GREAT day!

Concordia Stress-Buster

April 16th, 2008: Feel Good Day Concordia's inaugural event.

Candy, feel good messages, and smiles.... A simple way to make your day...

Good Luck with Exams!

Some Easter Fun...

Late in March, Feel Good Day McGill holds an Easter Bunny Chocolate-O-Thon, handing out candy and Feel Good Messages all over the McGill Campus.....

And for an added touch, the Team gathers a group of kiddos from the McGill daycare and do some arts and crafts..... (but there's no pics of the kids...it's illegal, or something like that)...

What a splendid event!